[GeoJSON] Removing CRS from GeoJSON

Tim Schaub tschaub at opengeo.org
Tue May 14 21:41:14 PDT 2013

So as to avoid hijacking Sean's thread, I'll start a new one here.

I'm in favor of restricting the allowed coordinate reference systems for
GeoJSON objects to 1: latitude, longitude coordinates relative to an
ellispoidal CRS based on the WGS84 datum.

I think the second best alternative would be to restrict to 2 CRS: CRS84 or

I don't like the "allow any CRS and let axis order follow the CRS" because
I think it either reduces interoperability or imposes an unreasonable
burden on web clients (I don't know of a good web service - or really want
to depend on one - that provides axis order information for arbitrary CRS
URN, and the table is too big to ask every client to carry around).

I apologize for having missed earlier "discussion" [1]. I haven't dug down
to that epoch in my inbox yet.

And I'm in favor of the proposed RFC to IETF [2].




PS - Do the build artifacts (xml, txt, etc) need to be in the repo? If so,
can someone update the README.md with detail on building them?

PPS - Mildly curious what it means to be "commented out" as an author. I do
see a comment that suggests authors should be asked if they are willing to
be authors. Happy to entertain that question.

Tim Schaub
OpenGeo http://opengeo.org/
Expert service straight from the developers.
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