[GeoJSON] Candidate I-D and a first pull request

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Tue May 14 18:48:05 PDT 2013

Yes, Sean and I have been bantering on this list about removing crs in the context of Adrian Custer's email pointing out that GeoJSON is dead wrong for XX% of the possible CRSs due to axis issues. Five+ years down the road, it's clear that 'crs' in GeoJSON hasn't really garnered that much traction, and it is ultimately the source of a lot of confusion. If GeoJSON were to sidestep the issue altogether, ala WKT, it might not be such a bad thing.

What would you think about dropping 'crs'? See the archives for more detail and background http://lists.geojson.org/pipermail/geojson-geojson.org/2013-April/thread.html


On May 14, 2013, at 7:06 PM, Tim Schaub <tschaub at opengeo.org> wrote:

> Has there been recent discussion on this list or another about removing CRS altogether?
> Tim
> On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Sean Gillies <sean.gillies at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> The candidate I-D that Stefan Drees has generously prepared is at 
>   https://github.com/GeoJSONWG/draft-geojson 
> and the first pull request is 
>   https://github.com/GeoJSONWG/draft-geojson/pull/1
> Stefan proposes a crsURN member to replace the old crs member and a GeoJSON namespace that producers could optionally use in their data.
> The change I propose is simple: to clarify the default CRS and promote its use over projected coordinate systems or lat-lng madness. I really do think that it'll be a blow to GeoJSON community of practice if this I-D increases the amount of lat-lng ordered data on the web.
> Comments please! It would be great to get this submitted soon.
> -- 
> Sean Gillies
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> Tim Schaub
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