[Geojson] openARML augmented Reality Markup language ~ extended KML?

Mike Liebhold mnl at well.com
Tue Sep 22 14:29:10 PDT 2009

H'mmm.... Since no-one here is directly engaged with these people, I'm 
wondering how to channel experienced contributions to this process...  
I've tried, but have been rebuffed. Was told that  data interchange is 
too "researchy" for the " AR industry" And here they are running off, 
missing some pretty important issues.

Talking to ourselves about this is somewhat silly.  Somehow the key 
players need to be  engaged here. Mobilzy - the proponents of this 
inititive are already shovelling in 2d KML into their service, oblivious 
of some of the issues we've thrashed to death here re, CRSs, epsg 
pointers etc....

See: http://www.openarml.org/

    Markus Tripp, Mobilizy GmbH
    Robert Rice, Neogence Enterprise

 " Since mid 2009 companies started to develop augmented reality (AR) 
applications for the latest generation of smart phones (iPhone, Android, 
...). Many of those applications overlay the phone's cam view with 
interesting location aware data. Such information can be points of 
interest from travel or tourist services or real time data for instance 
from Twitter.

There is already a standard available to describe geo data. KML is an 
open standard officially named the OpenGIS KML Encoding Standard (OGC 
KML). It is maintained by the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC). 
The complete specification for OGC KML can be found at 

Many companies and organizations have their geo data already available 
in KML. Therefore it makes perfect sense to base the AR data on KML and 
enrich it with custom extensions.

The basic idea behind this specification is that data that is prepared 
using this specification can be viewed on augmented reality browsers 
like Wikitude but also in Google Earth. Augmented reality browsers can 
include an open URL dialog where the user can enter an URL pointing to a 
valid ARML document. For instance such a document can contain all 
affiliates of a company. People can easily bookmark those URLs.

Augmented reality (AR) specific data is defined in an own KML extension 
Very Simple ARML Document

The simplest ARML documents are just plain KML. Any ARML compliant 
browser must support these documents. Only the elements <kml>, 
<Document>, <Placemark>, <name>, <description>, <Point>, <coordinates> 
are required.

view source
01.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
02.<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
03.    <Document>      
04.        <Placemark id="153630">
05.            <name>Getreidegasse</name>
06.            <description>
07.                Getreidegasse (also known as Grain Lane) is a busy 
shopping street in the Old Town section of Salzburg.
08.                The house at no. 9 Getreidegasse is where the famed 
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born and lived ...
09.            </description>
10.            <Point id="153630">
11.                <coordinates>13.048056,47.797222,432.0</coordinates>
12.            </Point>
13.        </Placemark>
14.    </Document>
15.</kml> "
[snip]  . . .

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