[Geojson] clarification on Feature id

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Sat Mar 15 16:52:37 PDT 2008

Keith Jenkins wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 5:54 PM, Christopher Schmidt
> <crschmidt at metacarta.com> wrote:
>>  "id" isn't part of the spec. So, it's definitely not required, though it
>>  probably makes sense to put it there, and most implementations that I've
>>  seen that have such a thing will do so. However, I've always seen it as
>>  reasonably common sense, and not worked it into the spec (though I
>>  wouldn't have a problem with making it recommended).
> I think it makes sense to recommend it, and if so, also to mention it
> in the spec as a special element that can exist directly within the
> Feature object, rather than being relegated to the properties object.

I agree with Keith. I found it a little confusing when I was 
implementing OGR driver for GeoJSON. The "id" is used in the examples 
but it isn't mentioned in the spec.

Mateusz Loskot

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