[GeoJSON] properties on FeatureCollection objects.

Erik Wilde dret at berkeley.edu
Fri May 17 15:05:38 PDT 2013

hello sean.

From: *Sean Gillies* <sean.gillies at gmail.com>
> You can add objects freely to your GeoJSON
> and unless they collide with the objects we're specifying in the GeoJSON
> profile, you can't trouble anybody.

well, that's not entirely true as somebody's naming choices might 
collide with the naming choices of somebody else out there. however, 
while XML has well-established ways of how to handles this in a 
well-defined way (namespaces), JSON doesn't, but the general consensus 
seems to be that people don't want to invent namespaces for their JSON 

and "mustIgnore" really isn't part of JSON. it's just part of the 
processing model of most JSON-based representations (and often more 
implicitly than explicitly so). i think it would help a lot to make the 
processing model explicit and define how GeoJSON is supposed to be consumed.



erik wilde | mailto:dret at berkeley.edu  -  tel:+1-510-2061079 |
            | UC Berkeley  -  School of Information (ISchool) |
            | http://dret.net/netdret http://twitter.com/dret |

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