[GeoJSON] Plug-Pull request to finalize a CRS-free I-D revision

Nelson Minar nelson at monkey.org
Thu Jun 13 16:57:26 PDT 2013

Hi, I'm new here! Just to clarify: the proposal isn't just removing
the CRS block from the spec. It's saying all GeoJSON data must be in
unprojected decimal geographic coordinates. Right? "The coordinate
reference system of all GeoJSON objects is a geographic coordinate
reference system, using the WGS84 datum, and with longitude and
latitude units of decimal degrees."

I'd be sad to see that change made. I've been doing a lot of vector
tile work lately and in talking to people there's a lot of interest in
projecting to Google Mercator before sending to the client. The client
could do the reprojection, but it's complicated and slow. And often
the server data was already projected to Mercator anyway, so
converting it to geographic and back is wasted work.

The worst world would be one where projected data were allowed in
GeoJSON but there was no way to describe the projection. Data is
meaningless without the projection to describe it. That's the mess
we're in with so much geographic data already.

PS: if you haven't seen some of the work on projections in browser
maps lately, check out Jason Davies work doing Albers projections for
vector and raster data. His method is applicable to any projection.
The vector maps are using unprojected geographic data in GeoJSON.


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