[Geojson] problem and doubt with coordinates

Emilio Otero emeotero at gmail.com
Tue Oct 23 07:30:45 PDT 2012

I've a problem with a geojson. the coordenates of the geojson are in
EPSG:3035 and my project is defined in 4326. I use a Grid width GeoExt to
read the information in the map, the script loads the file and it must draw
the info in the map. The problem is that i don't know how to transform this
The information in the GeoJson is, for example:

"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "OBJECTID": 202, "Xlaea": 3341594.0,
"Ylaea": 2342623.0, "pprob": 0.526, "pbin": "1" }, "geometry": { "type":
"Point", "coordinates": [ 3341594.0, 2342623.0 ] } },

and I need to transform to:

{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "OBJECTID": 202, "Xlaea": 3341594.0,
"Ylaea": 2342623.0, "pprob": 0.526, "pbin": "1" }, "geometry": { "type":
"Point", "coordinates": [ -2.109432568463911, 43.480204635368239 ] }},

In the map propertys in OpenLayers I`ve defined :
var options= {//map options
    projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"),

Somebody can tell me something about this. Thanks in regards.

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