[GeoJSON] Point as list of one point, or list of coords

Martin Daly Martin.Daly at cadcorp.com
Sat Apr 14 02:10:16 PDT 2007

> Having batted this around on IRC, I think what we can do is this
> (a) any consumer or producer is free to implement any subset of the spec

How would an all-powerful consumer request the Complete profile, and vice-versa?  We are in danger of creeping into interface definitions, instead of object notation.

> (c) we define at least two "packages" of conformance:

There is some discussion in the OGC Architecture Board about metamodels for specs, specifically core+extensions versus base+profiles.  The former defines the minimum content, and extensions build on it.  The latter attempts to describe the entire problem/world, and then restricts it (think GML and GML simple feature profile).

I would like to see GeoJSON as a core+extensions, rather than a base+profiles.  How about RFC-001 becoming just Points, then adding LineString, Polygon (with holes, I think) and Box as RFC-002, then multis (all flavours) as RFC-003, then multiple geometries per feature as RFC-004, then... you get the picture.

(GeoRSS is different here, with two separate geometry encodings that are largely unrelated.)

That still leaves the "how does a consumer request some specific subset?" question open, of course.  There is also the problem of a consumer detecting what it has in its hand from a producer.  GML etc. have the "advantage" of XML Schema and namespaces, but JSON doesn't.  I don't have an answer for that either.

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