[Geojson] GeoJSON '1.0'?

Tim Schaub tschaub at openplans.org
Thu Mar 13 08:40:51 PDT 2008


Martin Daly wrote:
>> How about this:
>> Current Draft 5:
>>   "If a GeoJSON object has a member named "crs", it is assumed to
>> represent the coordinate reference system of the included geometry or
>> geometries."
>> Proposed fix:
>>   "If a GeoJSON object has a member named "crs", it is assumed to
>> represent the SOURCE coordinate reference system of the included
>> geometry or geometries. In other words, the coordinates in GeoJSON
>> elements ALWAYS follow the order x,y[,z] and ALWAYS are expressed as
>> floating point numbers REGARDLESS of the order and representation used
>> in the source coordinate system. The "crs" member is STRICTLY a hint
>> that expresses the mathematical relationship between the coordinate
>> values in the GeoJSON geometries and the real world. " [Capitalization
>> can go away, that's just to make it stand out in this email]

Alan, I like this direction.  I'm not entirely sure how saying 
"represents the coordinate reference system" is different from 
"represents the source coordinate reference system."  That said, I like 
the idea of clarifying that we're not distributing EPSG data, nothing in 
GeoJSON comes from the EPSG database, we're merely referring to the CRS 
that one would use if you were to use the database to do transforms.

> I'd be happy with some words to that effect, and have asked some EPSG
> types if they would be too.

This is what I'm most interested in - hearing from people who have a 
solid reason to object, instead of hearing from people who know that 
there are people that object.

> I'm not sure that this is a trademark issue.  Isn't it this part of the
> usage terms (http://www.epsg.org/CurrentDB.html#use) the bit that
> matters:

Yeah, I've wondered if it is use restrictions like this that are at the 
root of all the debate.  I've never seen how this is pertinent for 
something like GeoJSON.

I'm still curious to see if anyone can point out any other sources that 
do talk about restrictions that are pertinent.


> "No data that has been modified other than as permitted in these terms
> and conditions shall be described as or attributed to the EPSG dataset."
> Although... GeoJSON could not be described as supplying or modifying the
> data, merely referencing it with caveats.
> M
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